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Senior Leaders

I also specialise in using Gestalt approaches with business owners and senior leaders to help them understand and deal with the mental stresses and strains that leading an organisation can create.

Having previously dedicated 25 years to co-founding, growing and running my own business, I understand at a much deeper level the stresses and strains of leadership. Having experienced first hand the many challenges that I now witness in my coaching and therapy work, I'm uniquely positioned to get alongside other leaders to support them through the various psychological storms.

Beyond the big-ticket items, it can often be the culmination of years of 'drip, drip, drip' that can leave you depleted of energy, and even well and truly burnt out.

Some examples of the areas that I witness regularly are...

  • Financial pressures

  • Disrupted sleep

  • Relationship problems

  • Stress and Burnout

  • Pandemic impacts

  • Physical health challenges

  • Substance misuse

  • Bouts of depression

  • Chronic anxiety

  • Historical trauma

If you identify with any of these, please do get in touch with me, so we can explore if and how I may be able to support you.

let there just be fluxes
which sometimes dry up
freeze or overflow
combine or diverge

Gilles Deleuze
My Approach
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